Case, C., & Jacobbe, T. (2014). Lessons from the LOCUS assessments: Center, spread, and informal inference. The Statistics Teacher Network, 84, 14-17.
Foti, S., & Jacobbe, T. (2015). Lessons from the LOCUS assessments: Boxplots. The Statistics Teacher Network, 85, 2-5.
Foti, S., Whitaker, D., & Jacobbe, T. (2014) Middle school (Ages 11-14) students’ understanding of statistics. In K. Makar & R. Gould (Eds.) Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Teaching Statistics.
Jacobbe, T. (2015). NSF funds research in statistics education: LOCUS. Amstat News, 35-36.
Jacobbe, T., & Franklin, C. (2013). LOCUS: Expanding the A in GAISE. The Statistics Teacher Network, 81, 4-5.
Jacobbe, T., Case, C., Whitaker, D., & Foti, S. (2014). Establishing the content validity of the LOCUS assessments through evidence centered design In K. Makar & R. Gould (Eds.) Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Teaching Statistics.
Jacobbe, T., Whitaker, D., Foti, S., & Case, C. (2014). The LOCUS assessment at the college level: Conceptual understanding in introductory statistics. In K. Makar & R. Gould (Eds.) Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Teaching Statistics.
Whitaker, D., & Jacobbe, T. (2014). Lessons from the LOCUS assessments: Comparing groups. The Statistics Teacher Network, 83, 13-15.
Whitaker, D., Foti, S., & Jacobbe, T. (in press). Results from the LOCUS Pilot Study. Numeracy.